lunedì 4 febbraio 2008

Daily Britney

Courtney Love ha trovato il modo per avere di nuovo i riflettori su di sè... rilascia interviste senza sosta dichiarando di sapere cosa stia provando Britney e sapendo anche come poterla aiutare... d'altronde lei non beve + e non si fa' + da 3 anni... (???)

Ha dichiarato in modo disconnesso:

I know the exactitudes of what’s going on, having been there,” Love said.
Now 43, her disheveled courtroom days and bizarre antics are behind her – at least for now.
“Here is what’s gonna happen if she doesn’t get help — something very, very bad is gonna happen,” Love explained of Britney. “Marilyn Monroe was strapped to a gurney too, but other then me and Britney, no one else has ever been strapped to a gurney.”

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