martedì 8 gennaio 2008

Courtney Love è dispiaciuta per Britney

E scrive il seguente messaggio di rammarico:

man was that truly neccessary? Poor thing, i didnt need to see all that fecal matter on the walls but Thaliens at Cedars is obviously loads nicer than Bellevue- shes takingt far too much adderol, thats what ive heard and what appears to be the issue to me wich is by the way none of my fucking business.or ours.I hope she gets a smoke soon, they dont let you smoke for 72 hours on a 5150, its blows for her, and i feel bad for her , really really bad for her- i came in as an outsiderso i didnt come in as a sweetheart, its slightly easier for me, i was never a good girl,l its still sucks ass, but oh whatever….nevermind.bless i hope people stop hurting on her.xxc

Star support!

A Cou' ma co' l'inglese stamo messi veramente così male o eri pure te fatta a bbestia quando hai scritto sto messaggino?

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